James Throup, a student from the School of English at the University of Sheffield, is currently spending time in the archives uncovering some of the fascinating documents which tell the history of Sheffield. His second blog post looks at the ghosts of Cold War Sheffield...

my awareness of the more renowned global events from this period, it was
through delving into the materials available at Sheffield Archives and Local
Studies Library that I came to a greater understanding of the effect the Cold
War had on people on a more local and day-to-day level.
a number of documents from the period were collected by Sheffield resident May
Mirfin (1901-1994), and they offer a palpable sense of what life was like at
the time. May was a founding member of the Air Raid Precautions (ARP)
organisation, prior to and during World War Two, and a member of the Civil
Defence Corps (CDC) until 1967; consequently, her collection paints a broad
landscape of how the city prepared for disaster.

‘It is 19:42 hours – the
alert has sounded – small explosions are heard almost immediately in the centre
of the City, followed by a tremendous explosion three minutes later towards the
East end. After a short pause the Wardens start their patrol and at 19:50 hours
the ‘Raiders passed’ is heard.’
much as in its official capacity, the CDC also aimed to promote camaraderie and
social cohesion, attempting to maintain the collective spirit of the Home Guard
after the Second World War. Elsewhere in the collection are several issues of
the ‘Headquarters Chronicle and Diary’, the monthly magazine of the CDC. These
publication feature upcoming training events and recruitment programs for
specialist roles, forthcoming social events and quiz matches (extremely popular
it seems), as well as letters and contributions from members of the
are popular in the contributions section, and sometimes feature a distinctly
troubled tone, evident in these stanzas from a poem entitled ‘The Unquiet Mind,
in the Darkest Hour (after a C.D lecture and quiz)’:
Trouble, Trouble, blocked
with rubble,
Gamma Ray and heat flash
Worthy men, of good intent
Gather round the incident…
Agonised we turn and twitch
Nerve or blister? Which is
Another night is thrown away
Comes the dawn now, cold and
the collection, many of the pieces convey a strange, mixed sense of the mundane
and the life-threatening. One piece seems to perfectly encapsulate this
incongruity: an index of the Civil
Defence training syllabus – featuring training sessions on High Explosive
Missiles, Atomic Warfare, and Chemical Warfare – on the back of which is a
handwritten recipe for chocolate ‘Snowballs’.
the precautionary measures of the CDC were viewed as a priority by the
government, many argued against them in light of the fact that the destructive
capabilities of the hydrogen bomb rendered defence moot. Instead, many chose to
focus their energies on campaigning for peace and against the use of nuclear
also has a long and proud history of campaigning for peace throughout the Cold
War. In 1956, the city was twinned with the Soviet city of Donetsk (formerly
Stalino) in an effort to promote ties of mutual goodwill and calls for a more
peaceful resolution; the agreement resides in the Sheffield Archives.
One clause perfectly sums up its twin aims of opposition and solidarity:
Our twin cities declare
their absolute opposition to the use of nuclear weapons as the means of
settling differences and are of the opinion that their very existence
constitutes a serious threat to all humanity.
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) was also very active in Sheffield,
staging many protests and holding many events in the area. One curious item I
unearthed in the Local Studies Library is ‘Poems for Peace’, a CND associated
collection of verse which provided an artistic platform for Sheffield residents
to voice their feelings on the Cold War. This is from ‘Peace seeps slowly…’ by
Stephen Pacitti:
Peace Seeps slowly from the
raw wounds of war,
Must be caught quickly, each
drop, at the time of pain
Before slick words soothe
and anoint the sores:
It is the loss of memory,
not of blood, that kills
And would kill again
we may feel the Cold War is far behind us, many of its spectres still haunt the
discussion tables of today. Recent political disputes surrounding the Trident
missile system show how we still grapple with conflicting ideas of defence,
deterrent, and disarmament. Recent warfare in both the Middle East and in the
Ukraine also threatens to re-entrench divisions between Russia and the West.
The artefacts maintained in the Sheffield Archives and Local Studies Library
serve as a timeless reminder, lest we forget the mistakes of the past and doom
ourselves to repeat them.
Mirfin (1901 – 1994)’ Sheffield Archives: MD7348
Agreement’ (1956) Sheffield Archives: CA 617 (2)
for Peace’ (1986) Edited by Linda Hoy (London: Pluto Press) Local Studies
Library: 341.67 SST
and Flyers’ in Local Studies Library: Miscellaneous Papers folder 3
See also: https://www.sheffield.gov.uk/libraries/archives-and-local-studies/research-guides/cold-war.html