At Sheffield City Archives,
there is a series of century-old cartoon illustrations which have, up until now,
concealed a fascinating secret. One of the cartoons depicts a young First World
War Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC) serviceman, smoking a pipe and carrying a
violin case. Another shows a female trainee teacher, wearing a ‘teacher
pupil’ uniform and clutching a school textbook. Recent research carried out at
the city archives has revealed how, remarkably, the individuals caricatured in
these two drawings both played a crucial role in helping to launch the artistic career of arguably Britain’s
best-loved illustrator today Sir Quentin Blake.
Blake’s highly distinctive
artwork can be seen all around us today - in the children’s books of Roald
Dahl, Michael Rosen and David Walliams, on the walls of
children’s hospital wards and even on the front of greeting cards. But, until
now, it has not been known that the individuals responsible for first steering Blake
on the path to becoming a professional artist were a couple from Sheffield with
an astonishing story to share.
Quentin Blake has often
credited two standout figures from his school days as helping to shape his later
career choice as an artist: ‘Mrs Jackson’, his old Latin teacher at Chislehurst
and Sidcup Grammar School in Kent, and her husband ‘Alf’, who he remembers was then
working as an illustrator for the satirical magazine Punch. In various interviews he has conducted over the years, Blake
recalls how Mrs Jackson came across some cartoons he had drawn as a schoolboy
in the margins of his Latin exercise book back in the mid-1940s and showed them
to her husband. Alf Jackson was impressed and the teenager was invited to the
Jackson home to meet the artist. Alf Jackson showered the schoolboy with advice
and encouragement (impressing upon him the importance of incorporating “joke
ideas” into his drawings) which led to Blake securing his earliest artistic
commissions - he had his first pictures published in Punch magazine a couple of
years later aged just 16. Blake’s memories of Alf Jackson are of an eccentric violin-playing, pipe-smoking artist (who would frequently drop ash from
his pipe onto the drawings on his desk!). However, the precise identities of Mr
and Mrs Jackson have remained (up to this point) something of a mystery. The
truth about the couple has now come to light in records held at Sheffield City
Archives, chiefly through a remarkable document produced in the unlikely
setting of the First World War battlegrounds of the Western Front.

“Swingers” (as they often referred to themselves) were spearheaded by a dashing
young doctor, Captain William Barnsley Allen (1892-1933), chairman of the
Leadswinger Committee, who went under the pen name ‘Jack Point’. Allen became one
of Sheffield’s most decorated First World War heroes, awarded both the Military
Cross and Victoria Cross for his bravery on the battlefield, but, after the
war, succumbed to alcohol and drug addiction, culminating in his premature
death from an opium overdose. Also central to Leadswinger operations were two
brothers: Private Ernest Northend (1891-1964), pen names ‘Castorius Iodinus’
and ‘Ye Corporal’, the magazine’s editor, and Private William Frederick Northend
(1887-1968), pen name ‘Dug-Out’, who served as the design and cover artist. The
Northend family ran a printing business back in Sheffield and the
Northend brothers arranged for souvenir copies of the Leadswinger to be
published back in their home town, using the family firm’s printing press. As a result, a century on,
some printed editions of the magazine have survived in addition to the original
manuscript versions which are now preserved at Sheffield City Archives.

Arguably the Leadswinger member who has gone on to make the biggest impact on the world as we know it today was the magazine’s chief cartoonist ‘Pipsqueak’ - real name Private Alf Jackson (1893-1971). After the war, Jackson abandoned a career as a violinist to become a freelance artist and we are now able to reveal was the same man who went on to play a decisive role in inspiring and mentoring a teenage Quentin Blake in the 1940s.

Despite his obvious flair for drawing, as showcased in the Leadswinger, Jackson did not have a formal background in art and illustration. On joining the Field Ambulance Service in September 1914, at the beginning of the war, Jackson’s occupation (as recorded on his army service record) was a ‘musician’.
One of Jackson’s old Leadswinger
pals, Jack Jenkinson (1889-1965), who contributed articles for the magazine
under the pen name ‘Falstaff’, relates in his First World War memoirs how
Jackson was a “practically self-taught artist”. It appears that Jackson may
well have inherited some artistic talent from his father John William Jackson
(born c. 1871) who worked as a ‘silver engraver’ in Sheffield’s then flourishing
silver and cutlery-ware industry. The Jackson family lived at 55 South View
Crescent in the Sharrow district of Sheffield. Alf left school aged just
thirteen and his father arranged for him to be apprenticed to a local
pawn-broker. Working in a pawn-broker’s shop did not suit Alf, who (as his
future wife would later recall) was rather “forgetful and dreamy” in nature “with
no aptitude whatever for business… interested only in music, drawing and
books”. Before war broke-out, he had left his pawn-broker shop role to become a
musician, playing the violin in Sheffield’s silent cinemas.

Take, for example, Colonel Ernest Octavius Wight (1858-1915), the 3rd West Riding Field Ambulance Service’s hugely respected ‘Assistant Director of Medical Services’, depicted by Jackson as a heroic knight riding into battle (on a hobby horse!) alongside a paraphrased quotation from a Shakespeare sonnet in the Leadswinger issue of November 1915. Just a few weeks later, Wight was killed by a shell on the banks of the Yser Canal, Ypres, whilst supervising the evacuation of wounded troops during a German attack. A moving ‘in memoriam’ piece published in the Christmas edition of the Leadswinger of 1915, observes how, just days before his death, Wight had been “expressing his pleasure” at Pipsqueak’s cartoon of him.

Jackson himself suffered brief bouts of shell shock whilst carrying out his duties as a stretcher bearer under heavy shell-fire during multiple German bombardments. A German gas attack at Nieuport, Belgium, in July 1917, left Jackson blinded for three weeks and gave him respiratory and stomach problems which afflicted him for the rest of his life.

In truth, Pipsqueak’s prospects were far more favourable
than the future envisaged for him in his fellow artist Platt’s comic scenario.
After the war, encouraged by the successful reception to his cartoons in the
Leadswinger, Jackson turned away from his pre-war occupation as a violinist,
and set out instead on a career as an artist. He began by contributing artwork for
local publications, including regular commissions for Sheffield Weekly Telegraph illustrated annuals.

Soon after they were de-mobbed and back home in Sheffield, in Spring 1919 Topham introduced Jackson to his sister Eva Lucy Topham (1902-2002), a fiercely intelligent young trainee school teacher, then still living in the Topham family home on Fitzwilliam street near the city centre. Jackson and Eva bonded over a shared love of art, literature and poetry and kindled a romance over long chats about the works of Shelley, Keats and Swinburne. A cartoon of Eva in her “pupil teacher” uniform (pictured at the start) sketched by Jackson c.1920 survives amongst some memoirs she wrote about her early life growing up in a struggling working-class family in Sheffield in the early 1900s.
The couple married on 14 September 1926 at the Ecclesall Bierlow District Register Office in Sheffield. Their marriage certificate records Alf Jackson’s occupation at the time as ‘Black and White Artist’ and that of his wife as ‘Secondary School Teacher’.
The following year Eva and Alf had a baby son Gilbert Keith Jackson. Wanting to return to teaching after the birth of her son, Eva struggled to find a school in Sheffield willing to re-employ her now she had a young child in tow and the Jacksons relocated to Ashford in Kent after Eva was offered a job there as Classics and Latin teacher at Ashford Girls Grammar School. The move down South helped Jackson’s artwork to reach a larger audience and he started to receive regular commissions from the satirical magazine Punch amongst other London-based publications.

Alf Jackson died in London in 1971, aged 78, just a couple of years after Quentin Blake published his first children’s picture book Patrick. Interestingly, Patrick is a charming tale of a man who plays the violin and causes magical things to happen around him, easing sorrow and hardship and instead spreading colour and joy. It is tempting to see something of Pipsqueak in Patrick, the eponymous hero of the book, suggestive perhaps of how Blake carried forth the spirit of the violin-playing Alf Jackson into his work.

Quentin Blake’s impact on our collective visual imagination
is far-reaching. His illustrations continue to enthral and inspire children and
adults alike just as they have done for decades. Next time we reflect upon
Blake’s artwork, we might see in his drawings the echo of ‘Pipsqueak’, and the
influence of a young Royal Army Medical Corps private, who, a little over a
century ago, in between gruelling spells striving to save lives on the
battlefields of Flanders, put down his stretcher, picked up a pen, and helped to enrich the world of illustration as we know it.
Note: The original
manuscript editions of the Leadswinger magazine 1915-1919 can be accessed at
Sheffield City Archives (Ref. MD2071) as can a copy of the memoirs of Eva
Jackson (nee Topham) compiled c. 1971 (Ref. MD8228/1) and the First World War
memoirs of Jack Jenkinson compiled c.1930 (Ref. MIL/JEN) both of which include
recollections of Alf Jackson (aka Pipsqueak) the Leadswinger’s chief
cartoonist. An abridged version of this article, written by archivist Tim Knebel, appeared in the Sheffield Star 'Retro' section, 16 March 2019.