This year is the 30th Anniversary of the awards!! (I know, we look far too young for it don't we?), so we are going to be celebrating in style!
For the next few weeks we are zooming in on the shortlisted titles in each category, and our next stop is with the epic Longer Novels! We hope you love these as much as we do.
We Come Apart

Written by Sarah Crossan and Brian Conaghan
“I know he's watching - Nicu, the boy who fell in the pond and didn't moan about it. But what does he see when he looks at me? What does anyone ever see?”
Written by Jason Wallace
Published by Andersen Press
Based on true accounts of witnesses in Zimbabwe, 1994, when a group of children spot strange lights over the grounds of their school. Everyone has differing opinions on what these lights were, aliens? Mass hysteria? Or something more? An intriguing book not only exploring the idea of UFOs, but mostly focusing on the lives of a group of teenagers. An interesting, gripping and challenging book for older teens.
“When those sad sacks at my school started screaming and yelling about bright lights and creatures in the trees, I was in the tuck shop. So I didn't see any of that stuff. Not that I would have seen any aliens or their dumb spaceship even if I had been out there because those kids made it up...”
After the Fire
"He narrows his eyes. "Moonbeam? Did you do something?" Tell them, whispers the voice in the back of my head. Be brave. Tell them what you did..."
All of the above books are available to borrow from Sheffield Libraries, so why not read them all with your children and then vote for your favourite! Pick up the voting form from your local library.