Did you know that Sheffield Libraries has a book award? Can you believe that it's been running and growing since 1989? For context, this is the year films Honey I Shrunk the Kids, Batman and The Little Mermaid were released. For over 25 years we have been selecting, voting for and celebrating our favourite book releases.
So how does it work? Every year, around January, a stack of Sheffield Library staff come together, and fuelled by tea and biscuits, look through a long-list of the previous year's book releases, selecting only the very best to make the shortlist. These books are then sent out to schools and libraries throughout Sheffield, where children read and vote for their favourite books. That's what is special about the Sheffield Children's Book Award, it's children, well known for being the harshest of critics, who decide on the winners.
The Book Awards have been hosted in various locations over the years but most recently the Award's home has been back at Sheffield's wonderful Crucible Theatre where the vibe has been electric.
2016 sees a new shortlist of dazzling titles, for which the votes are now in, and frantic preparations have begun for the award ceremony which will take place on Tuesday 15th November. School classes from around Sheffield will be invited to come along, make a lot of noise and meet some of their favourite authors and illustrators. It all makes for a very exciting day.
I bet you're keen to see this year's shortlisted titles? Make yourself comfortable and prepare to behold a list of marvellous books, all of which are available to borrow now from Sheffield Libraries.
Picture Books:
The Bear and the Piano (David Litchfield), The Prince and the Porker (Peter Bently & David Roberts), There's a Bear in my Chair (Ross Collins), The Zoomer's Handbook Ana & Thiago De Moraes), The Girl with the Parrot on her Head (Daisy Hirst), I Will Love you Anyway (Mick & Chloe Inkpen).Shorter Novels:
Mango and Bambang The Not-a-Pig (Polly Faber & Clara Vulliamy), Uncle Gobb and the Dread Shed (Michael Rosen & Neal Layton), The Royal Bake Off (Clémentine Beauvais & Becka Moor).
Longer Novels:
A Boy Called Christmas (Matt Haig & Chris Mould), The Boy who Sailed the Ocean in an Armchair (Lara Williamson), The Wolf Wilder (Katherine Rundell).
Young Adult:
Joe All Alone (Joanna Nadin), Silence is Goldfish (Annabel Pitcher), Liquidator (Andy Milligan), Fire Colour One (Jenny Valentine), Panther (David Owen), One (Sarah Crossan).
Special Category:
Amazon Summer (Amy Wild), The Bolds (Julian Clary & David Roberts), The Person Controller (David Baddiel).
The Baby Book Awards:
Night Night (Ladybird Books), Babies Don't Walk, They Ride! (Kathy Henderson & Lauren Tobia), The Wheels on the Bus (Yu-Hsuan Huang), I'll Catch you if you Fall (Mark Sperring & Layn Marlow), Things That Go (Simon Abbott), Box (Rosalind Beardshaw).Schools Library Officer, Jennie Wilson, leads the planning of the Book Awards and spends much of October and November spinning plates, in order to bring us a fantastically fun ceremony which will excite children about reading for pleasure, books and libraries. That's what it is all about!
RSVPs are coming in from authors and illustrators as we speak and so far we have a lovely list of people attending the ceremony, and more still to confirm.
Currently due to attend the ceremony are:
- Clementine Beauvais (author - The Royal Bake Off)
- Becka Moor (illustrator - The Royal Bake Off)
- Peter Bentley (author - The Prince and the Porker
- Sarah Crossan (author - One)
- Mick Inkpen (author I Will Love you Anyway)
- Chloe Inkpen (illustrator I Will Love you Anyway)
- Thiago De Moraes (illustrator - The Zoomers' Handbook)
- Polly Faber (author - Mango and Bambang)
- Daisy Hirst (author & illustrator - The Girl with the Parrot on her Head)
- Chris Mould (illustrator - A Boy Called Christmas)
- David Owen (author - Panther)
- Michael Rosen (author - Uncle Gobb and the Dread Shed)
- Rosalind Beardshaw (illustrator - Box)
- Layn Marlow (illustrator - I'll Catch you if you Fall)
- Sarah Hastelow (illustrator - Night Night)
- Lauren Tobia (illustrator - Babies Don't Walk, They Ride)

Watch this space after November 15th, for the lowdown on the award ceremony day, and to find out who won what!
- Written by Alexis Filby (Library and Information Assistant)