
Friday, May 15, 2020

Spotlight 17. Quiet

Quiet: The Power of Introverts

In this TED Talk, Susan Cain, author of the bestselling book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, argues that introverts bring extraordinary talents and abilities to the world, and should be encouraged and celebrated.

Wathch the TED Talk

In Praise of a Quiet Life

For many, lockdown has forced them to slow down and reflect on how they want to live. 

Do we need or want to go back to the high speed, high pressure, reality that had somehow become our daily experience.  In fact it is reported that a majority don't want to return to the old 'normal'.  If you've been reflecting on this, you might enjoy reading this chapter from the Book of Life.

Read more from the Book of Life

The Glories of being Quiet

Philosopher and adventurer Erling Kagge – the first person to reach the ‘three poles’ of North, South and the summit of Everest – explores the power of silence in the book Silence. He asks why we need it, how we lost it and where we might go to find it again.

Read more about his thinking on this Radio Four article

Creativity during Corona - Quiet

During lockdown, we've been posting daily prompts to spark your creativity.  Claire from Central Library writes,

I recently attended an online event with the writer, Elizabeth Gilbert, who spoke about finding the silence within yourself. Elizabeth does this through meditating, and I think that often reading poetry can do this. If you agree, why not bring a poem to share at this morning’s poetry Zoom

I found this poem “Listening” by Amy Lowell.  I like how the poem compares someone’s melody and songs to nature, the ocean and seasons using strong images.

You could simply read the poem then close…or take a look at the prompts on our Facebook page and send us your own thoughts, notes, journal piece, poem, short story,  drawing, paintings, photographs, knitting, sewing, or  songs….  Enjoy.

Books at Bedtime

Are you a parent craving the quiet that comes after putting your children to bed, or the luxury of a full nights sleep?  The Book Trust might be able to help.  Check out their tips and articles related to settling your little ones down at bedtime.

Discover more with Book Trust

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